
A Clinic for Root Canal Treatment Near You

A Clinic for Root Canal Treatment Near You

The prospect of a first-time root canal can be daunting, but it offers a relatively quick and virtually painless solution when standard fillings can't save a tooth. Severe tooth pain, sensitivity, discoloration, and other symptoms may indicate the need for a root canal. The procedure involves local anesthesia, cleaning, and filling the tooth's root canal. While root canals have an unfair reputation for pain, most discomfort subsides within 72 hours. Costs vary but can prevent the need for extractions. Success rates are high at approximately 95%, with proper post-treatment care. Myths about pain, cost, and recovery often overshadow the benefits of this essential dental procedure.

A budget alternative to fixed full jaw implant prosthesis is a snap on denture (overdenture) starting from £2500. By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS, Dip. , MSc.

A budget alternative to fixed full jaw implant prosthesis is a snap on denture (overdenture) starting from £2500.  By Dr Amir Mostofi  DDS, Dip. , MSc.

Overdentures, also referred to as snap-on dentures, are a type of denture that attaches to a few dental implants placed in the jaw bone. Compared to conventional dentures, they have a number of advantages, such as better stability, retention, and a more realistic bite. Additionally, they offer increased durability, do not need adhesives, and aid in maintaining the jaw bone. The price range begins at £2500.