
Dental implants in patients affected by systemic diseases - By Dr Amir Mostofi -DDS, Dip. (Ortho.), MSc(Implant.)

Dental implants in patients affected by systemic diseases - By Dr Amir Mostofi -DDS, Dip. (Ortho.),  MSc(Implant.)

Navigating the intricate landscape of dental implantology amidst systemic diseases demands a nuanced understanding and approach. The comprehensive review by Donos and Calciolari delves deep into how systemic health conditions and their associated medications influence the success of dental implants. It highlights the paramount importance of meticulous patient selection, informed by a thorough medical history and the complexity of the surgical site. This narrative is not just about the challenges; it offers a beacon of guidance with practical suggestions for clinicians, aiming to mitigate risks and optimise outcomes. It also casts a spotlight on the need for further research to refine our understanding of these interactions. This exploration serves as a crucial resource for dental professionals, ensuring they are well-equipped to provide care that combines the dual goals of patient safety and implant success.

Understanding Dental Bone Grafts: A Comprehensive Guide - By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS , Dip (Ortho.), MSc (Implant.)

Understanding Dental Bone Grafts: A Comprehensive Guide - By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS , Dip (Ortho.), MSc (Implant.)

Dental bone grafts are essential procedures for restoring jawbone structure and are crucial for dental implants and overall oral health. They involve adding bone material to the jaw, aiding in bone regeneration, and providing a stable foundation for future dental work.

Navigating the Misconceptions: Bone Grafting and All on 4 Dental Implants- By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS, Dip. MSc

Navigating the Misconceptions: Bone Grafting and All on 4 Dental Implants- By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS, Dip. MSc

The All on 4 dental implant technique is transforming full jaw restoration, challenging long-held beliefs about bone grafting. Traditionally, dental implants often required bone grafting to compensate for insufficient bone volume. However, All on 4 implants frequently bypass this necessity due to their unique design and placement strategy. This innovative method involves positioning four implants in the jaw, utilizing existing bone structure, even where volume is limited. The success of this procedure, especially without bone grafting, heavily relies on the dentist's skill and precision. Experienced professionals adept in implantology can effectively leverage the jaw's anatomy, reducing the need for additional invasive procedures. Avoiding bone grafting offers numerous advantages, including shorter treatment times, less invasive surgery, and faster recovery. This approach not only enhances patient comfort but also immediately improves dental functionality and aesthetics.

Creating Perfect Dentures at Home with a Dentist Who Comes to You- By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS Dip MSc

Creating Perfect Dentures at Home with a Dentist Who Comes to You- By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS Dip MSc

Creating custom dentures at home with the expertise of a domiciliary dentist is an ideal solution, especially for patients facing unique challenges. Clinic for Implant & Orthodontic Dentistry prioritises patient-centred care, ensuring the utmost comfort and satisfaction throughout the process. Our journey begins with a comprehensive initial consultation, followed by extractions if necessary. Accurate impressions of your jaw are taken, even in cases of shrinking jawbones. We provide flexibility, allowing alterations during the wax trial denture stage at no extra cost. For those with cobalt chrome dentures, we handle the challenges seamlessly. We also offer domiciliary dental care for home-bound or bed-bound patients, ensuring safety and convenience. Our goal is to craft dentures that restore your smile and improve your quality of life.

Top 5 Sources of Dental Implant Pain When "There's Nothing Wrong with the Implant"- By Dr Amir Mostofi, DDs Dip MSc

Top 5 Sources of Dental Implant Pain When "There's Nothing Wrong with the Implant"- By Dr Amir Mostofi, DDs Dip MSc

Experiencing pain after a dental implant, even when everything looks fine? Explore the top 5 reasons behind post-implant discomfort and find solutions to ensure a comfortable journey towards a perfect smile.

A Clinic for Root Canal Treatment Near You

A Clinic for Root Canal Treatment Near You

The prospect of a first-time root canal can be daunting, but it offers a relatively quick and virtually painless solution when standard fillings can't save a tooth. Severe tooth pain, sensitivity, discoloration, and other symptoms may indicate the need for a root canal. The procedure involves local anesthesia, cleaning, and filling the tooth's root canal. While root canals have an unfair reputation for pain, most discomfort subsides within 72 hours. Costs vary but can prevent the need for extractions. Success rates are high at approximately 95%, with proper post-treatment care. Myths about pain, cost, and recovery often overshadow the benefits of this essential dental procedure.

All There to Know About Dental Implants: A Patient Guide

All There to Know About Dental Implants: A Patient Guide

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is typically composed of titanium. When applied with skill, they provide a highly reliable treatment. The primary objective of implant placement is to obtain immediate, intimate contact with the surrounding bone. Over time, additional bone growth on the implant surface improves the implant's stability.

How Bite Splints and Dental Occlusion Adjustments Can Help with Relief from Ear Tinnitus and TMJ Pain?

How Bite Splints and Dental Occlusion Adjustments Can Help with Relief from Ear Tinnitus and TMJ Pain?

Living with ear tinnitus and TMJ pain can be incredibly challenging, affecting both our physical and emotional well-being. However, as a dentist, I am here to shed light on a lesser-known solution that can provide relief for these conditions. By addressing occlusal interferences and utilising custom-made bite splints, we can effectively reduce ear ringing and alleviate TMJ pain, ultimately improving your quality of life.

Diet Advise following Full Jaw Implant Surgery.

Diet Advise following Full Jaw Implant Surgery.

All-on-4 implant surgery is a treatment option for those with periodontal disease or tooth decay. The procedure involves placing implants in the jaw to support a full arch of replacement teeth. After the surgery, patients can expect some adverse effects, including minimal oozing, swelling, tense jaw and facial muscles, and site-specific pain. These symptoms are temporary and can be managed with over-the-counter pain medication. It is important to rest for the first three to four days, then gradually resume normal activities and exercise.

A budget alternative to fixed full jaw implant prosthesis is a snap on denture (overdenture) starting from £2500. By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS, Dip. , MSc.

A budget alternative to fixed full jaw implant prosthesis is a snap on denture (overdenture) starting from £2500.  By Dr Amir Mostofi  DDS, Dip. , MSc.

Overdentures, also referred to as snap-on dentures, are a type of denture that attaches to a few dental implants placed in the jaw bone. Compared to conventional dentures, they have a number of advantages, such as better stability, retention, and a more realistic bite. Additionally, they offer increased durability, do not need adhesives, and aid in maintaining the jaw bone. The price range begins at £2500.

"Dental Bite Splints: A Comprehensive Guide to Relief, Protection, and Improved Oral Health" - By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS, Dip. MSc

"Dental Bite Splints: A Comprehensive Guide to Relief, Protection, and Improved Oral Health" - By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS, Dip. MSc

A dental bite splint is a small, detachable device worn over the teeth to assist reduce pain and suffering brought on by bruxism, TMJ disorders, and other abnormalities with the bite. These splints can be tailored to fit a person's mouth and are often constructed of acrylic or other hard plastic materials.

Bruxism is a condition in which a person unintentionally clenches or grinds their teeth, frequently when they are asleep. Numerous issues, such as tooth deterioration, jaw pain, migraines, and facial muscle pain, may result from this. In order to reduce pressure and strain on the jaw muscles and joints, which can cause pain and discomfort, bite splints work by giving the teeth a smooth, even surface to rest on.

Wisdom teeth extractions- By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS, Dip. MSc

Wisdom teeth extractions- By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS, Dip. MSc

teeth:Wisdom teeth The four permanent adult teeth known as wisdom teeth are placed at the top and bottom back corners of your mouth. A wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure to remove one or more of these teeth.

If an impacted wisdom tooth is causing you pain, an infection, or other dental problems, you will likely need to have it extracted. Wisdom teeth can be extracted by an oral surgeon or a dentist.

Even if impacted teeth are not currently causing problems, some dentists and oral surgeons may recommend extraction to prevent future complications. reactions, pre- and postoperative guidelines

What is an overdenture?- By Dr Amir Mostofi DDS, Dip. MSc

An overdenture is a cheaper removable substitute for a full jaw fixed implant treatment. A denture with one or more teeth, prepared roots, or implants covered at the base is known as an overdenture. Any removable dental prosthesis known as an overdenture is one that covers and rests on one or more natural teeth that are still present, their roots, and/or dental implants. Overdentures can be implant- or conventionally tooth-supported. Alveolar bone is found to be preserved and the process of total edentulism is postponed. For senior individuals who have lost some teeth but not all, making them qualified for a set of full dentures, an overdenture is typically employed. The overdenture is detachable and not fixed in the mouth. Overdentures have the advantage over complete dentures in that the roots that are still in the maxilla (upper jaw) or mandible (lower jaw) protect the top or lower jaw's bone, reducing bone resorption.

Implants may support an upper or lower overdenture. The most frequent number of implants used to stabilise an upper denture is 4, despite the fact that there is little evidence to conclusively demonstrate the appropriate number of implants for stabilising an upper overdenture. Support for a mandibular overdenture was improved when two implants were present rather than just one implant.
The patients could also chew much better and was overall more pleased with the overdenture. Sometimes a metal bar connecting implants will enhance retention of an overdenture. The patient's overall satisfaction with the overdenture increased along with how much better they could chew. Initially chewing abilities are decreased, however when the overdenture has been fitted for a year, the chewing cycle improves.