Dental Emergency Advise:

Pain in the gum around wisdom teeth

There is pain in the gum around the upper wisdom teeth. 

There are many reasons for pain in the gum around the upper wisdom teeth, but one reason is that the upper wisdom tooth has been erupting at the wrong angle and is rubbing against the inside cheek, especially when the person opens and closes their mouth. A temporary solution is to put something soft on the tooth (sugar-free chewing gum) and contact your dentist immediately. Because of the inflammation in the area, an anti-inflammatory painkiller (like Ibuprofen or Aspirin) works better than Paracetamol. If you are not sure if it is the gum around the upper or lower wisdom tooth that hurts, then try with your finger and push the gum around the upper wisdom tooth to see if it hurts when pushing the finger there.

Pain in the gum around the lower wisdom teeth:

Again, there are many reasons for pain in the gum around the lower wisdom teeth, but there are two of the most common cases below. Again, try with your finger and see if it is the gum around the lower wisdom tooth that hurts.

The first reason for the pain is that the upper wisdom tooth has been over-erupting, and when the patient bites, the upper wisdom tooth bites on the gum, partially covering the lower wisdom teeth. This traumatises the gum around the lower wisdom tooth. Try to avoid biting on the area and contact your dentist because this can very easily develop into an infection in the jaw.

The second reason for pain in the gum around the lower wisdom tooth can be because the lower wisdom tooth is partially covered by gum. This means that sometimes food and bacteria can get under the gum and cause infection in that area. Brushing the gum and the wisdom teeth can sometimes cause this problem to occur less frequently. However, if you suffer from such discomfort, contact a dentist because it can develop to an infection. This condition is called Periocoronitis. You can see a video below that explains this condition.